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Empowering teachers, parents and students 

Boehringer Ingelheim
Thames Valley Berkshire LEP.jpg

The #STEM999 project is a unique collaboration between 9 schools in Berkshire, determined to make a difference in young people's lives. STEM knowledge and skills are essential for successful 21st-century living and with almost 30% of jobs in Berkshire being in the STEM sector, we want to ensure that every student has the opportunity to develop and thrive in STEM. 


The profile of those who study STEM is much too narrow, with women, some ethnic minorities and working-class groups being highly under-represented. The #STEM999 project champions teachers, supports parents and celebrates students from all backgrounds to ensure that STEM is for ALL!

9 schools collaborate, utilising 9 specially developed programmes targeting transition from year 7 to year 9 and year 9 to year 11. 

“As a family-owned company, we always have one eye on the next generation. We are delighted to announce our partnership with STEM Learning to support young people, teachers and schools in championing STEM education. Sustainability is one of our core values as a business, and we are planning for the long term by supporting initiatives that will inspire more students to pursue STEM subjects into further education to deliver against unmet needs in our sector and beyond."


Uday Bose

Country Managing Director for UK and Ireland Boehringer Ingelheim

“Supported by our partners,

our vision is to achieve a world-leading STEM education for all young people across the UK. We know that increasing time pressures, a lack of resources and teachers’ own confidence can present barriers to engaging students in STEM, preventing them from realising their true potential. The partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim will enable us to provide teachers with a range of valuable resources and tools to draw upon in their teaching, which will make a real difference to both students’ and teachers’ experiences of STEM education.”

Dr Ajay Sharman

Regional Network Lead, South East

STEM Learning UK

“Compared to the rest of the UK,

Berkshire has a higher than average concentration of companies in life sciences and healthcare. Our area also has a younger population and labour market compared to the UK average, and there are greater volumes of young people entering the job market over the next five years.With the STEM sector making a significant contribution to our local economy we can see that there is a perfect opportunity presented for our young people and we fully support Boehringer Ingelheim and STEM Learning’s partnership to enrich student’s learning in this area.”


Alison Webster

Chief Executive

Thames Valley Berkshire LEP

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